Friday, September 13, 2013


I was thinking that lessons, in addition to volunteering, would be another good way to ease back into the horseback riding.  That way, I'm given instruction by people who know what they're doing, and I'll know that what I'm doing is right.  Also - it's a lot cheaper than leasing or buying. 

So when it comes to lessons I have a few options.  Actually, a lot of options - some of which I don't even know about!  My first possible option would be to go back to the trainer I used to have.  Her name was Amber and she was fabulous.  It would be at Conference School of Horsemanship.  She really does know what she's doing, and I would know for sure that I was learning correctly.  However, her lessons are expensive.  It's $50 per hour.  Last time I talked to her, she said she was changing up her program, and giving lessons to people who were "serious about their riding" (whatever that means) so I don't know if this means that she won't take me in, or what.  I would like to do one to two lessons a week with her.  I messaged her on Facebook and am waiting to hear back from her to see what she says.

Another option, which leads to "sub-options" would be to go some place completely new and take lessons from a new trainer.  That would possibly be less expensive, depending on where I went.  I found a place called "Centerville Equestrian Center" that does hour-long lessons for only $40 per hour.  I don't know much about them but they seem like a nice facility.  I also emailed them and asked a few questions, and asked about meeting the trainer and seeing the facility, the horses, etc. I could always research more places if this specific place doesn't seem like a good fit.

I want to be careful at making this decision. I want it to be worth my money.  Horseback riding is not a cheap hobby, that's for sure!

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